Stories from Madagascar
Defying the Force of Nature: Rehabilitating Cyclone Shelters in Madagascar
Having a baby can be a stressful event in the life of any woman. Worrying when it will happen, if the baby will be healthy, and how much pain it will cause are typical concerns most women can relate to. Having a baby in the midst of a cyclone? Now that is another story.
On 7 March 2017 at 11:00 am, Jolita, 26, gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Tania in one of Medair’s cyclone shelters in Madagascar during Cyclone Enawo, which struck the northeast coast of Madagascar that day with Category 4 force.
“My water broke the day before. We knew we couldn’t stay in our house – warnings about Cyclone Enawo were going out. I was very anxious. I wanted to be in a safe place for my very first delivery, especially if it was going to happen during a cyclone! We knew the cyclone shelter was our best option.”
Jolita is one of 200 people in the village of Ambinanitelo who found refuge in one of Medair’s cyclone shelters when Cyclone Enawo hit. The following days, heavy rains caused destructive floods, leaving her village under three metres of water.
Right after Cyclone Enawo’s passage, Medair travelled to the devastated areas to assess the needs of the people affected, and to distribute emergency water and sanitation kits and disinfect contaminated wells. Alfred Ralaimboa, 40, was part of a Medair team that went to Jolita’s village. “When we arrived, Jolita’s cyclone shelter was completely full,” Alfred remembers. “In other villages, people were so desperate to find refuge that the number of people in the shelter far exceeded the recommended capacity. In one village, 380 people stayed in the cyclone shelter!”