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EMERGENCY: Devastating floods in Madagascar  Flooding in Madagascar leading to life-threatening conditions

Families count on us and so do you

That’s why we promise to make ourselves accountable to our supporters and the people we serve. Accountability is at the core of what we do. We make ourselves accountable to our supporters and the people we serve.

Families count on us
When you reach out your hand to lift someone up, you can’t let them fall. At Medair, we follow the principles of beneficiary accountability: We consult closely with communities, including them in decision-making, involving them in the design, implementation, and monitoring of projects, and giving them opportunities to offer suggestions throughout the process.

Donors count on us
As a donor, you need to know that your funds are being used appropriately and with maximum efficiency to benefit those in need. Every year, we undergo rigorous internal and external audits and publicly release our financial statements to give you confidence that your funds are being used wisely. Diverse certifications, partnerships and awards confirm the responsible handling of financial funds by Medair and its affiliates.

We are committed to employing best practices in our management and operations, adhering to humanitarian principles established by the Sphere Project.

We are committed to being fully accountable
Medair has a Code of Ethics that its representatives are expected to follow. Medair representatives include employees, board members, affiliates, volunteers, contractors, consultants, suppliers, agents and implementing partners.  The Code covers a range of topics, including fraud, corruption, child protection, gender protection and conflicts of interest.  Medair representatives must act in the best interests of the organisation and its beneficiaries. They should adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards while demonstrating honesty, respect for others, integrity and good judgment.

Medair is fully committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees – an environment free from all forms of social harassment and exploitation. Medair’s Policy on Harassment expressly prohibits any form of harassment. Suspected breaches or violations of the Code or the Harassment Policy may be reported in strict confidence to Medair’s Compliance team using the email address found at the end of Code.

Medair Policy on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Gender-Based Violence sets out Medair’s commitment to gender protection and the prevention of sexual exploitation. It prohibits Medair staff and representatives from engaging in or facilitating any form of inappropriate relations, sexual harassment and sexual exploitation, in particular involving beneficiaries.

Medair is committed to child protection and the welfare and safety of children. Its Child Protection Policy sets out those commitments.

Reporting misconduct or wrongdoing
Medair is committed to fostering a culture of compliance and accountability that is consistent with its mission. To that end, its staff, the people it serves, its suppliers and partners are encouraged to report suspected wrong-doing.

Medair takes all reports of possible misconduct or wrongdoing seriously.  Anyone with information regarding possible misconduct, wrongdoing, violations of the Medair Code of Ethics or the above-referenced policies should report them to a manager and/or fill in and submit the Confidential Misconduct form. Your message will only be sent to Medair’s Executive Office Director/General Counsel and its Internal Controls Manager. Medair reviews all reports of possible wrongdoing it receives to determine whether the report should be investigated.

Medair protects the confidentiality of those who make reports in good faith, whether the investigation substantiates the report or not. Information received from anonymous sources will be assessed and may lead to an investigation. Anonymous allegations are often more difficult to pursue as there may be no way to clarify the information provided or to ask questions. If you choose to remain anonymous, please provide as much detail as possible and also consider providing Medair with a means to contact you if further information or clarification is needed.



Principles and Standards


Intelligent Giving – Great Britain