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EMERGENCY: Devastating floods in Madagascar  Flooding in Madagascar leading to life-threatening conditions

Leave a lasting impact through a gift from your estate

Leaving a legacy with Medair is a promise to the next generation — a
promise to not close our eyes to the people in need. It’s a commitment to stand alongside them in their suffering and bring solutions to relieve it.


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We are here to help
and promise you this

A personalised giving experience
tailored to your priorities and passions;

  • Complete confidentiality
    in your legacy planning
  • One-to-one
    support with one of donor relations officers
  • Total transparency
    and accountability in how your gift is used

Would you like to talk in person?
Get in contact with David Sauter

“There are several options for leaving a legacy with Medair. I’m pleased to assist you in finding the right giving option for you as you consider leaving a legacy.”


Call: +41 (0)21 694 35 32

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