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Due to the ongoing conflict in Iraq,
more than 1.9 million people are still displaced from their homes and 6.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.

Some have been able to return home but many families continue to live in formal camps, informal settlements, or unfinished buildings inside Iraq where they lack basic services like electricity and water. Many health facilities and schools were damaged or destroyed, leaving people unable to access health care and education.

We are there to help.

Every facet of society has been impacted by years of conflict. The economy has taken a severe hit and entire communities are devastated or destroyed. Displaced children often go without schooling, and families who lose their livelihoods struggle to find work to provide for their needs. The conflict has taken its toll on the agricultural production, making food a scarcity and putting families at greater risk of malnutrition. Damaged and destroyed health facilities means many communities still rely on emergency facilities to access quality health care.


How We Help

Health Care

Medair provides free Primary Health Care for internally displaced people both in and out of camp settings and vulnerable, conflict affected communities. Medair re-establishes quality Primary Health services through DOH facilities and transitions care back to the government. In locations where facilities are absent or have been completely destroyed, Medair temporarily provides PHC through mobile clinics. Services provided at PHC clinics supported by Medair include: treatment of common diseases, including non-communicable disease, reproductive health care, mental health and psychosocial support, surveillance and response to disease outbreaks. Medair also provides community health programmes aimed at improving maternal and child health as well as psychosocial support through groups and individual care.

Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene

Displaced families living in unfinished buildings, makeshift tents, and warehouse spaces lack suitable sanitation facilities, and safe water for drinking and cooking is in short supply. Medair brings safe water and storage tanks to affected families and distributes water purification tablets, storage containers, and hygiene items to help families stay healthy. We help repair sanitation facilities or build new ones, and visit families one-by-one to teach them how to stay healthy and prevent disease.

Shelter and Infrastructure

Medair distributes shelter supplies and essential household items to families who are still displaced from their homes. We have reconstructed destroyed health facilities or built new ones in communities marked by the former violence.

Cash-based Assistance

Medair provides displaced families with the financial means to afford shelter and other basic items they need to survive while they wait to return home.

Our Impact*


patient consultations at Medair-supported health clinics


people gained access to safe water


people benefited from cash-based assistance

*2017 Annual Report

Khalid’s story: Fleeing the violence in Iraq

Get Involved

Help families in Iraq recover their lives with dignity

Medair’s team in Iraq has identified 826 vulnerable families near Mosul and Kirkuk who require our urgent help as they resettle. They tell us that their biggest need is food assistance.

As winter approaches, we must ensure that these families have enough food to last three months. We need your help to make that happen.

Generous gifts from people like you
US Agency for International Development
Swiss Solidarity
EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid
Slovak Aid (through Integral Alliance)