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What inspired you to support Medair with your art? 

I admire Medair for what they do and the dedication of their volunteers and staff. Every little bit helps so I believe we should do what we can. We are all part of the same world, regardless of borders or our religion.

How did you chose the painting for the silent auction?

The Blausee depicted on the painting is said to be a magical place, it inspired me, because I still hope and believe in peace, people, mutual care and respect.

What was the outcome?

I was able to raise CHF 200! It was nice to see that visitors appreciated the idea, and even though it was a small contribution. I hope it can give others the same idea.

How you can go the extra mile

Choose what way of fundraising works best for you.
We will provide all you need to get going and will be there along the way to help.

Start an online campaign

Multiply your one-time gift. Host a dinner party, run a race, hold a bake sale… There are numerous ways to raise funds and get your networks involved. We will provide everything you need to get started.

Start your campaign

Fundraise in your community

Order as many fundraising cans for free as you would like and place them around your community – in your workplace, at your church, at your local stores. Help get the word out there and make the needs known.

Order your cans

Make a year-end gift

Double your impact! Make a year-end gift today and your donation will be matched 1-to-1 by one of our sponsors until 31 December. Your gift will go towards the most urgent needs in the communities we help.

Make a gift

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Tag us on social media at @MedairInt and use the hashtag #eachlife to share your campaign with us!